Ganyeka: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 14:11, 9 February 2020

Psychic gorilla supergenius

Quotation "Would the hoo-man like a ba-na-na?"
First Appearance Tales Of Mystery #166, 1959
Real Name Bongo
Identity Public ID
Player NPC
Origin Altered
Archetype Mirror
Team Affiliation Solo
Base Of Operations Earth
Range Of Operations Global


Age 24 Nationality American
Height 5' 7” Hair Dark grey
Weight 375 lbs. Eyes Brown
Gender Nonhuman Sexuality Heterosexual

Ganyeka appears to be a typical western lowland gorilla, with dark brownish-grey hair, a wide skull with a pronounced crest, and pronounced brow ridges. Several large scars are visible on his scalp. Although he does not wear clothes, he usually wears a belt over one shoulder with several pouches attached to it. He has been known to wear a helmet and ballistic chest armor when expecting violence.


Agility 4
Brawn 6
Endurance 6
Presence 6
Reason 6
Power Level 8
Plot Points: 1
Character Points Spent: 75
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Athletics
  • Close Combat
  • Computing
  • Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Mental Combat
  • Ranged Combat
  • Science


  • Linguist
  • Master Plan


Telekinetic Force Field
Quick action
Standard action; It’s All In Your Mind
Mental Resistance
Mind Control
Standard action
Mind Link
Free action
Standard action
Standard action
UP: Mental Powers

Ultra-power: Mental Powers

Command Animals
Standard action
Emotion Control
Standard action
Mind Blast
Standard action
Mass Mind Control
Standard action; 10 m radius
Mind Hold
Standard action
Standard action


Heavy Ballistic Armor (PL 3)
not concealable
Heavy Pistol (PL 2)
difficult to conceal
Flash Grenade (PL 7)
exploding, sensory, stunning, single use
Binoculars, Full Size (PL 2)
Cell Phone (PL 1)
Laptop (PL 2)
Nightvision Goggles (PL 2)


Base Move Double Move All-out Move
Run 13 m 26 m 78 m (47 km/h)
Swim 4 m 8 m 24 m (14 km/h)
Jump 35 m


Ganyeka is suspicious of humans, and aloof, at best, to any humans he encounters. Although he bears a great deal of resentment against humanity for the way he and his people (gorillas, and western lowland gorillas in particular) have been treated, he also feels isolated from them, as he will forever be an outcast from human society, the society in which he was raised. Ganyeka is a proud and lonely creature.




Despite his vast intelligence, Ganyeka will always be a gorilla.


Ganyeka was once a completely normal western lowland gorilla named Bongo. Born in captivity in a medical research facility in Louisiana, he was subjected to hundreds of medical experiments by the time he was four years old. Most of these were drug trials, and had no lasting effects on him. However, at the age of twelve he was subjected to a series of surgeries and gene therapies intended to induce and then treat Alzheimer's disease. The treatments had an unexpected side effect: they gradually increased Bongo's intelligence until he was even smarter than the doctors treating him. Bongo learned quickly, and the more he learned, the more his resentment grew. One day, Bongo had had enough: he struck out at the doctors, his tormenters. At first his rebellion was purely physical, but his wardens were armed with cattle prods and tranquilizer darts, and he knew that he was doomed. Defiant, he roared at his attackers, and was astonished as they crumpled to the ground. Bongo escaped from the facility, swearing revenge on humanity for what was done to him. Since then, Bongo's anger has cooled. He has taken a new name, Ganyeka, which means "excel" or "surpass" in the Zulu language. He no longer blames all of humanity for what was done to him, but he has no love for humans. He seeks to find a place for himself in the world of humans. And if they do not have a place for him, he will make one. Ganyeka has a deep disdain for physical violence, deeming it a "human" trait, and his early experiences have instilled in him an aversion to causing physical pain to others. He can be gentle, and he has a soft spot for human children, who remind him of the family he will never have. At the same time, he has no reservations about using his psychic powers to manipulate, hurt, or even kill humans who deserve it -- and no one deserves it more than someone who interferes with his plans. Ganyeka understands English (and numerous other human languages), but he can't speak verbally: his vocal apparatus remains that of an ape. He communicates telepathically. His mental "voice" has a Jamaican accent: a conscious decision on Ganyeka's part.

Powers and Abilities

Ganyeka has the strength and agility of a healthy mountain gorilla, and one of the most powerful minds on Earth. He is capable of mastering any science he devotes himself to, but in practice his primary interests pertain to biology, zoology, and medicine. Ganyeka has profound psychic abilities. He can read others' thoughts and memories, and he can cause other people to see, hear, touch, smell, and/or taste things which do not actually exist. He often uses this ability to interact with humans without their realizing that he is a gorilla. With effort, he can even override a person's decision-making process, making them into his puppets.


Attributes 56 + Skills 8 + Gifts 2 + Powers 9 = 75 / 75